About Me

Let Me tell You A Few Things...

Mohamed Samy


Mainly I'm a front end developer with 3 years of experience with HTML, CSS, Javascript, Jquery, and have experience of 2+ years in Vue, Vuex, Sass, Pugjs, Gulp, and a lot of libraries like bootstrap and particles.js .
I'm also self taught love the challenges that's why I started learning Laravel and PHP about a year ago and strive to be a full stack developer. I'm still learning and I'll continue learning for the rest of my life.

System Creator (Intern, 8 - months)

Full Stack Developer

Worked as full stack developer with Laravel and Vue as a member of a team I did some CRUD functionality and API calls and Learned a lot.

Inspire (Part-time, Current)

Front End Developer

Working as a front-end developer and also, a part of a great team of developers, I work with HTML, CSS, I also edit the wordpress front end when needed and still learning a lot of stuff.